Line Dance FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Line Dancing
What do I wear? Do I need special shoes?
Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable moving in. Street shoes are fine as long as your soled shoes don’t stick to the floor. Sandals and sling-backs may not give you the support you need for dancing. As you progress, you will likely want to purchase dance shoes. These are specialized shoes designed for dancing, with heels for better balance, suede soles for easy movement on hardwood floors, and designs that keep your shoes tightly on your feet while dancing.
What should I do if I can’t seem to keep up?
Practice. Most line dances have online instructional videos. Google the name of the dance with the words “line dance” and select a youtube video. Sometimes there is more than one video. Look at all and study from the one that works best for you. Line dancing becomes easier, the more you do it.
How much will it cost?
Most Brooklyn Groovers classes are FREE. Others have a very minimal charge.
Why are there no classes when public schools are not in session?
Most of Brooklyn Groovers classes take place in public school space.
How long is a class?
2 hours. But, the classes are very informal. Come and leave whenever you want.